The forth and the fifth day in our camp were also very active and the night between them – amazing!
From day to day, new people are joining our team. People with ideas, ready for action!
For our great joy, with the help of the camping people we finished our first compost toilet and we build our first sink with tap water! Since this day our camping festival has it’s own eco lavatory!
The cleaning, organizing and cutting the grass were constant, and therefor very efficient!
We also had a cable installed, to provide electricity to our “El Rancho” (bar & office).
With the increase of workforce and helping hands, our camps have grown. We already had separately – builders, gardeners, cleaners, chefs, helpers, decorators, tasters…
Yes, tasters! Because exactly on the forth day we had our first workshop – for cocktails.
It was run by Kris – many thanks!
So, except we worked together.. we tried different cocktails and learned how do make our own – Caipiroska, Mojito, Cuba libre and etc.
After the workshop, we continued with campfire dinner, live music (guitars) and a lot of fun.
The starry sky above night Gostilitsa can not be described in words. You must see it yourself! Welcome!
Expect more photos!