Summer Powwow 2019 is coming closer and we are in building mode!
Do you remember our office, bar and reception house with the amazing terrace rooftop!?
It is gone…
But no worries! Our team is building up the new location! 🙂
We loved this old house.. it served us in many ways. From giving a shelter to people during a heavy rain, to being the “Cybar” at the spot, the storage, the music monitoring place, the backstage, the gym… So.. we are very grateful that the house was used so long, but it was about time to build it down…
Sad, but safety first! On the other hand, we have so much space now, to build up something better.
As an alternative we found a nice – well, you will soon find out what, which is on its way to Gostilitsa, and to becoming the next awesome “Cybar” alternative. The “thing” is ready to get restored and set up. We’re on planning to create a bigger shade section this year around it, a small stage and a nicer reception and backstage… Stay tuned to find out more and join us during this creative process.
Meanwhile, our team, members and friends are diligent in creating decoration, to give this Powwow the appropriate look 🙂
Summer Powwow