Summer Powwow is running now – for 21 days! It is been three weeks of camping, building, creating, having fun and enjoying all the things that we offer here!
Our team got bigger and everyone at camp loved our concept for tribal life.
People contribute their time and abilities, they donate and get involved in everything that we organize. Which is very encouraging! Now it the time to say – THANK YOU all!
Thanks, also, to our guests for the acoustic session they performed! We listened to some good old fashioned acoustic guitar with a pinch of improvisation. A fun addition, to the great jam we had, was the weather. It contributed for a nice and rather cozy evening!
Thanks also to our great yoga instructor – Miri! We had our first yoga class at camp with her. It was the perfect yoga practice – surrounded by nature, fresh air and silence. Our yoga spot is the brand new terrace – on the roof of “El Rancho”. Sunday morning was amazing with an hour of effective practice!
Yesterday evening we had an open air cinema. This week, the movie Monday was dedicated to documentaries. We spent great time together and the movie “Living the change”, a film about the global crises nowadays and the inspirational stories of people provoking a change in their lives and community, in a sustainable and restorative way.
This year’s edition of Summer Powwow will be open just one more week! Make sure you come on time, if you wish to contribute or just to check out the camp. You have one week to get involved or participate in any of the events, workshops or building actions.
And now, the visual part: