It was a great month of camping. The first edition of Summer Powwow was a great experience! The eco-friendly camping festival was brought to life and if we can summarize the experience we had with one word, this will be: together.
Together we created the perfect summer camping area and had an unforgettable summer holiday.
We are very grateful to all of those who become part of our plan, our team and friends who were active and inventive during holiday! You give it your spirit and we had an amazing powwow!
Our last week at the camp was even more interesting.
The workshops continued and we had more visitors then ever.
We had an amazing yoga class, again at our special spot – the El Rancho terrace. The class was led by our beautiful yoga teacher Mira. The weather, the spot, the music, the people – all this made our yoga class even more special.
The boxing workshop led by the famous instructor – George, was also at our favorite spot – the terrace. George showed us different types of fighting techniques. Exercises, partner boxing and general physical training. The shadows helped us stay cool but the training was on fire.
Cocktail workshop with Kris was again very interesting. This time we made Kaipirinya, Brazilian cocktail and Gin Rickey. Everybody made their own drinks under the guidance of the best bartender in town. This was a great experience, especially at such a place and in the beginning of a promising Saturday night.
The peak of the week was the concert at Saturday. The great DJ’s Stanchika and Bo Young were very creative. Their talent made our evening colorful.
The guest performers were – Irie Bear, NRG_D and Sistah. Their live music – from reggae to hip hop – was the highlight in our annual calendar and ensured an euphoric debut of the festival!
All this happened on a stage with the most beautiful surrounding, with an amazing views . The evening was led by an incredible sunset and equally amazing moon rise. All this was additional to the warm and cozy atmosphere, created by the people there.
We had a great get together, not just this weekend but during the whole month!
The first edition of our unique camp was brought to live and it is an example how the Indian tribal culture can be part of our lives nowadays.
Summer Powwow 2018
To be continued…