Terms and conditions

By registering to summer.powwow.bg you declare implicitly that you have read and understood the following Terms and Conditions (TAC). In addition, you also agree to refresh your knowledge periodically of the same Terms and Conditions. Provided that you do not fully agree with the listed TAC, please, consider not using this web page at all.

1. Purpose

  • (1.1) The following TAC have the purpose of setting the legal and professional relationships between Osceola EOOD on one side, and any user of summer.powwow.bg on the other.
  • (1.2) The listed TAC constitute an Implied Contract between the user and Osceola EOOD. By agreeing to this contract, the user is granted rights to use the services of POWWOW club only for personal and non-for-profit deeds.

2. Definitions

For clearer and unambiguous understanding, please, consider the following definitions when comprehending the TAC:

  • (2.1) user is considered any individual that browses information, or engages in any of the services, provided by the summer.powwow.bg web page;
  • (2.2) for information is considered to be any form of written text, picture, photo, logo, graphics, document, video, and sound which are accessible to the user via the web page;

3. Registration Process

  • (3.1) The registration process consists in a user filling accurately all requested information from the registration form. By signing up, the user confirms the participation in the event (festival) and informs the organizers about the sphere (music, dancing, do-it-yourself, etc.) in which he / she will participate.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

  • (4.1) The web page, summer.powwow.bg, along with the content on it, is a property of Osceola EOOD.
  • (4.2) The user has rights to use information and services provided by summer.powwow.bg only for personal, non-for-profit deeds. Any commercial activities, related to using information from summer.powwow.bg is strongly forbidden.
  • (4.3) Any kind of unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of the information contained on the summer.powwow.bg site is highly illegal. The user agrees implicitly to not use summer.powwow.bg for illegal infringement of the intellectual property rights of Osceola EOOD, or of third parties.

5. Links to other web sites

  • (5.1) summer.powwow.bg may contain links to other web sites of different kind. Osceola EOOD is not to be held liable for the information contained on these web sites. The responsibility lies entirely on the user that provided and placed the link on the summer.powwow.bg web page.

6. User Responsibilities

Any user is obliged to comply with the restrictions listed below:

  • (6.1) Usage of information, which is considered insulting, threatening, vulgar, pornographic, intrusive, is restricted and will be deleted from the web page.
  • (6.2) Any user is restricted from posting information that is considered targeted propaganda. Such information is usually, but not limited to, of political, religious, or racial matter.
  • (6.3) Any user is restricted from distributing information that breaches Government laws and contract agreements. Such information is, but not limited to: personal information (ID numbers, health insurance, credit/debit card numbers, for example), contract information (prices, customer names, project names, invoices are just a few examples), information of which distribution is prohibited by intellectual property laws.
  • (6.4) Provided that any user has doubts, or lacks full comprehension, about any of the points of the TAC, he/she is obliged to contact the administrators of the site as soon as possible, by using the contact form of the web page.

The user is held responsible for any tangible, or intangible damage to Osceola EOOD that is caused by not complying with the listed TAC and the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.

7. Responsibilities of Osceola EOOD

  • (7.1) Osceola EOOD is not to be held liable for any property damage, or infringement of any intellectual property rights, done to the users of the web page. In addition, Osceola EOOD is not responsible for the inability of some users to comply with the TAC and the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.
  • (7.2) Osceola EOOD is not to be held liable for any inaccuracies or mistakes in the information posted on the summer.powwow.bg web page by any user.
  • (7.3) Osceola EOOD is not to be held liable for any information/content that is downloaded, in one way or another, from the summer.powwow.bg web page. Users are responsible for any information/content that they download from the web page. If any damage occurs (computer stops operating, for example) after downloading information/content from the summer.powwow.bg, the user is held entirely responsible for the consequences.
  • (7.4) Osceola EOOD keeps the rights to remove any information from the summer.powwow.bg. This includes content like ( but not limited to): posts, comments, questions, any other type of information posted from users on the summer.powwow.bg web page.

8. Concluding Points

  • (8.1) Osceola EOOD keeps the right to make modifications to the TAC at any given moment.
  • (8.2) The insignificance of any of the listed points in the TAC, does not imply insignificance to all other points of the TAC.
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