Greetings from the Summer Powwow
Greetings from the camp!
If you were wondering why we have been quiet for the past few days – it is because we are acting on the spot and we are too busy with enjoying this summer camping festival!
Summer Powwow’s team is enlarging every day and even foreigners are joining! It’s been a great week at the camp!
Summer Powwow – night under the stars
The forth and the fifth day in our camp were also very active and the night between them – amazing!
From day to day, new people are joining our team. People with ideas, ready for action!
Summer Powwow – Day 3
As it was planned – our summer camp started!
Eco-friendly and definitely interactive!
No doubt, Summer Powwow is giving you an opportunity
Summer Powwow – OPEN
So.. our camp is OPEN!
Today is the second day since our campfire is burning!
Summer Powwow – more power
Summer Powwow is coming up, the preparation for the camping festival isĀ at full blast on all fronts. Decoration, construction, organization.. Our team is growing, we are gaining fresh power and we work together. We have just 6 days left!